
Beacon is an open source project, so contributions are welcome. All contributions should be made using a pull request.


Beacon’s documentation is hosted from GitHub Pages. To test locally, you will need Jekyll. GitHub has some steps for installing and running a local server to preview the documentation site in your own forked copy of Beacon’s repository.

File Structure and Organization

All help pages must be named index.markdown and reside in a folder with a clear, simple, and url-friendly name. For instance, this page is contributing/index.markdown instead of contributing.markdown so that the url will look like /contributing/. Assets such as screenshots should be included in the same folder as the index.markdown file.


Screenshots do not need to be a certain platform or color theme, but must include both a 1x and 2x version so that users on high pixel density displays can see sharp pictures. It is not acceptable to take a screenshot at 2x and scale it down. Screenshots should be PNG format.

Including screenshots should be done with the following code snippet:

{% include image.html file="image.png" file2x="image@2x.png" caption="This is a caption that will show with the image." %}



See the articles Don’t use the word ‘it’ and Don’t use the word ‘simply’ for some guidance to improve technical writing. This help site should try to follow these guidelines.

User Interface Elements

Referencing specific on-screen elements should be done using the {:.ui-keyword} suffix on bold (**) tags. For example, instructing the user to press the button to create a new loot drop should look something like “Press the **New Drop**{:.ui-keyword} button.”


To better support dark mode users, avoid adding additional colors to pages. If absolutely necessary, use the color classes from the Just the Docs Documentation.


Callouts are the colored blocks such as the tips, warning, or glossary blocks. They come with and without titles.

To create a callout with a title, use:

{:.tip .titled}
> Title
> This is the callout body

To create a callout without a title, use:

> This is the callout body

The following callout themes are supported: blue, primary, green, success, tip, red, warning, yellow, caution, omni, cyan, info, glossary. These are the values immediately after the :. at the beginning of the callout. Avoid using the named colors unless a better option does not exist. For example, a tip should use the tip theme, not green, because it allows restylying all tips in the future without affecting something that specifically should be green.

Beacon Application


Beacon Website